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Nawrocki Dental Of Cocoa Beach Blog

Want To Prevent Dental Implant Infections? Use These Guidelines!

June 8, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — nawrockidentalteam @ 11:42 am
Model of an implant in the lower jaw

With a success rate of around 98% in non-smokers, one of the best things about dental implants is their low risk of failure. But, unfortunately, no medical procedure (including implants) is risk-free. While relatively rare, dental implant infections can lead to implant failure and damage the surrounding jawbone. But, with a few preventative measures and the right care and maintenance, you can greatly reduce your risk of infection. Keep reading to learn about the symptoms to watch for, how an infection is treated, and how you can avoid one altogether.


What Is the Recovery Part of the Dental Implant Process Like?

May 11, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — nawrockidentalteam @ 4:15 pm
3D image of a single implant in lower jawbone

Did you know that 3 million people in the U.S. have dental implants and an additional 500,000 implants are placed each year? It’s easy to see why implants are such a popular way to replace missing teeth – they not only look and feel more natural than any other option, but they can last many decades as well. But one of the first questions many people have is how long it will take them to heal after the procedure. After reading the blog below, you’ll learn all about the dental implant process and what you can expect from the recovery!


How Often Should I Visit My Dentist for an Oral Cancer Screening?

April 30, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — nawrockidentalteam @ 6:14 pm
oral cancer card

April is Oral Cancer Awareness Month, making it the perfect time for you to pause to reflect on how you can protect yourself from this devastating disease. Of course, making good choices every day, such as eating a balanced diet and avoiding tobacco, can play a big role in reducing your chances of becoming one of the tens of thousands of people who get diagnosed with oral cancer each year. You also need to visit your dentist for regularly to receive an oral cancer screening. Let’s discuss how often you should do so and what you can expect during the screening process.


Composite VS Amalgam—Which Dental Filling In Cocoa Beach Fits Best?

March 10, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — nawrockidentalteam @ 2:20 pm
teeth with different fillings

If you’re getting a cavity filled, you’ll want to know what your options are. Amalgam (silver) fillings have been the norm in dentistry since the 1800s. But now, modern dentistry has introduced composite resin fillings that blend in with your natural teeth. They’ve surged into popularity because they offer a number of benefits that older solutions can’t. Read on to find out the pros and cons of each filling option and how they’ve advanced.


What Causes Gum Recession In Cocoa Beach and What Can You Do About It?

February 5, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — nawrockidentalteam @ 10:15 pm
Up-close view of gum recession

If you experience dental sensitivity, you might suspect that your teeth are the problem. But there’s a real possibility that the cause of the issue could be your gums instead! Gum recession in Cocoa Beach is a very common condition that can lead to sensitivity and other serious issues. And, since your gums protect your teeth, it makes sense that gum problems can put your teeth at risk for various problems. Keep reading to learn more about the causes of receding gums and how you can either treat it or prevent it altogether!


Here Are the Top 5 Reasons To Get a Smile Makeover In Cocoa Beach!

January 14, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — nawrockidentalteam @ 5:31 pm
Close-up of a beautiful smile

These days, it can seem like everywhere you look you see perfect smiles. But the truth is that very few people are born that way! The vast majority need one or more cosmetic dental procedures to help their smile look its best. Cosmetic flaws can range from small things like stains and discoloration to more involved issues such as crowding. But, regardless of which issues you’d like to correct, there are simple procedures that will deliver great results, faster than you would expect. Keep reading to learn about 5 of the most common reasons for a smile makeover in Cocoa Beach and what your treatment options are!


Should You Go To the Hospital For A Dental Emergency? Find Out Here!

December 4, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — nawrockidentalteam @ 11:04 pm
Model of a tooth next to a first-aid kit

Here’s a statistic that may surprise you: trips to the hospital for dental emergencies went from 1.1 million in 2000 to 2.1 million in 2010. That’s almost double in just a decade! While it’s true that good oral hygiene and regular checkups can prevent many emergencies, unfortunately, it can’t prevent them all. So if you have a dental emergency, who should you call – the dentist or the ER? Keep reading below to find out and get some great tips for the most common emergencies!


Discover Fascinating Facts About Your Tooth Enamel

November 22, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — nawrockidentalteam @ 6:57 pm

close-up of man's smileYour teeth are a wonderful creation; they’re made up of multiple layers that each serves a unique purpose. The enamel, the outermost portion of your pearly whites, plays an important role in how your smile functions and looks. But what exactly is tooth enamel in Cocoa Beach, and why is taking care of it so essential? Let’s talk about these fascinating questions.


Got a Cracked Dental Crown in Cocoa Beach? Here’s What to Do

October 11, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — nawrockidentalteam @ 8:07 pm

A woman covering her mouth.If it hasn’t happened to you, it’s likely happened to someone close to you. One moment you or your friend is biting into a piece of food or chewing on candy, the next they’re in pain or concerned as they feel their crown come loose or even break. A broken restoration is not something you want to put off, but it’s not something you should panic over either.

The next time you have a cracked dental crown in Cocoa Beach, here’s what you should do.


How to Get Acclimated to New Dentures in Cocoa Beach

September 8, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — nawrockidentalteam @ 8:28 pm

A denture for the top arch.Dentures in Cocoa Beach are always customized to fit your mouth as closely as possible. When you’re getting used to a partial denture, adjusting to it can be awkward at first. That’s why a dentist is prepared to give you a comprehensive list of tips and tricks to follow that makes adjusting to your new smile easier than ever.

To learn what to expect in the first few weeks and how to care for them, keep reading!


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