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Why You Should Quit Smoking When You Get Dentures

September 27, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — nawrockidentalteam @ 6:35 pm
person holding cigarette

Healthcare professionals, including dental experts, strongly advise against smoking due to its highly addictive qualities. If you’re planning to get dentures, it’s crucial to quit smoking as soon as you can. Smoking can compromise the health of your new dentures and heightens the risk of serious oral and overall health problems. Continue reading to learn about the potential risks associated with smoking while wearing dentures and explore effective strategies to overcome this detrimental habit.

Risks of Smoking for Denture Wearers

When you inhale smoke, your gums instinctively toughen to protect sensitive tissues. However, the use of tobacco products, whether smoking or smokeless, can lead to gradual gum shrinkage and recession. This alteration in gum tissue can affect how well your dentures fit over time. I

ll-fitting dentures may result in complications such as sores, inflammation, and infections. Numerous studies have linked poorly fitting dentures to a range of health concerns, especially a heightened risk of oral cancer.

Wearing ill-fitting dentures while smoking greatly raises the risk of oral cancer, as tobacco is responsible for 90% of these cases. Smoking narrows blood vessels, making it harder for gums to heal and increasing the likelihood of infections. Additionally, it damages dentures, shortening their lifespan and affecting their appearance, resulting in stains and bad breath.

6 Tips to Stop Smoking

Quitting smoking helps your gums heal, improving support for your dentures and preventing gum and bone loss. This also lowers the risk of cancer and other health issues, like heart and lung problems. While overcoming nicotine addiction can be tough, these helpful tips can lead you to success:

  • Nicotine Replacement Therapy: You can purchase nicotine patches, gum, and lozenges at your local pharmacy, or talk to your doctor about prescription medications that can help you quit smoking.
  • Avoid Triggers: Identify what triggers your smoking cravings and either eliminate those triggers from your surroundings or create strategies to avoid them to reduce the chance of relapse.
  • Exercise: Getting active can help shift your focus away from cravings and keep you busy.
  • Practice Relaxation Techniques: When you quit smoking, you might feel more stressed. To cope, try using relaxation techniques such as yoga, deep breathing, or listening to music.
  • Get Support: Join a smoking cessation program and reach out to online communities for support in your journey to quit smoking.
  • Delay Technique: When you feel the urge to smoke, find a different activity to engage in that can help postpone the craving.

It’s common to make several attempts before successfully quitting tobacco. Staying persistent and motivated is key to achieving a healthier mouth and body, so keep pushing forward on your journey to better oral and overall health!

About the Practice

Discover outstanding dental care at Nawrocki Dental of Cocoa Beach, led by Dr. Matthew Nawrocki. Their commitment to continuous education keeps them updated on the latest dental advancements. They provide essential information on the advantages of dentures for individuals with missing teeth and stress the importance of quitting smoking for a successful smile makeover. To book an appointment with Dr. Nawrocki and his team or to learn more about dentures, visit his website or call his office at (321) 783-7514.