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Do You Drink Any of These 4 Popular Beverages That Impact Your Oral Health?

August 11, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — nawrockidentalteam @ 3:44 pm
friends drinking wine

As a person who works full time, a parent, or a student bombarded by upcoming papers, it can be hard to remember to drink water and stay hydrated. Most of the time you reach for a drink, it’s with the purpose to keep you awake, help you feel relaxed, or it’s just conveniently in front of you at the gas station. You’re probably not always thinking about the impact that it’s going to have on your oral health. Read on to learn whether these five popular beverages in Cocoa Beach are helping or harming your mouth.


Discover How Stress Impacts Oral Health and What You Can Do About It

August 5, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — nawrockidentalteam @ 3:26 pm
a woman under much stress

If you’re battling stress, it’s probably taking its toll on your mind, body, and even your oral health. When trying to juggle work, kids, schoolwork, late-night games, dinner, and household chores, it can become too much. If you’re experiencing pain in your jaw, bleeding gums, or maybe nervous nail-biting, it’s time to talk to your dentist. Find out how stress impacts oral health and what you can do to reduce and even eliminate the problem.
